etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 25-02-96



on the 10th of december 95 a long, exhausting and nerve killing fight started: a fight against search engines, money problems, and panic and crisis in the team that the whole hijack idea wouldn't work as planned; also a fight against lawyers, founding organizations and internet providers...

a fight against the rest of the world!

in february 96 a special crisis management meeting was held in a cheap hotel for slovakian soccer players in the suburbs of bratislava. etoy was facing massive problems so the conference was a top secret operation by the etoy.AGENTS (not even the etoy.BOARD was informed about this step). after 4 days of hardcore negotiations and fighting, the meeting was interrupted by the invasion of a slovakian anti-drug task force at the etoy.HOTEL. about 40 masked police agents with automatic guns raided the etoy.CONFERENCE-ROOM claiming that etoy.AGENTS were selling drugs to local teenagers.

at the end of the meeting etoy.AGENT e03 was forced to step back and take a two month break to calm down. after this disciplinary step he was reintegrated into the team. the rest of the etoy.AGENTS were prepared for the upcoming traffic rush on the servers www.etoy.com and www.hijack.org, the media/promotion work, potential legal affairs and other worst case scenarios.

one thing was certain: if the digital hijack would work, etoy's products and brand recognition would skyrocket into the stratosphere of net art action entertainment. otherwise, that would be the end of the etoy.ENTERPRISE.