etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 08-09-05


Product and Vision

For a group exhibition, Product & Vision engages the participating artists, and art organizations (among them etoy.CORPORATION), and academics in a dialogue with Cornelsen, a German text book publisher. The regular meetings in Berlin during the summer of 2005 surfaced a few essential guideposts for navigating an interactive experiment involving various art producers and a publishing house.

12 art producers, 7 academics, consultants and architects, the Kunstfabrik crew, and members of management of Cornelsen are in the game. This is not a consulting gig or a quick fix for anything. It's a dialogue, a process, and an experimental, collaborative artistic venture that involves a firm as a catalyst and point of crystallization. The form of collaboration among the art producers and the firm was subject to intense discussions. And what crystallized yesterday includes an inspiring method discussion across art producers about the production of contemporary art: needless to say that the methods employed by the 12 art producers vary substantially.

etoy.CORPORATION's share model contrasts with Cornelsen's. The German publishing house relies on a strong concentration of ownership whereas etoy.CORPORATION endorses the participation of a large community of shareholders, not least in order to motivate and compensate etoy.AGENTS and to access a highly skilled pool of art investors, who are also art users and consumers, and whose knowledge is sourced regularly in etoy's product development process.

Images copyright Kai Ziegner