etoy.HISTORY-FILE: 27-08-05


etoy.SHARE-CERTIFICATE EYX No. 348, EYA No. 305, EYB No. 300 and EYB No. 304

acquisition of first MISSION ETERNITY pilots

first MISSION ETERNITY test pilots acquired at the burning man festival 2005. etoy.AGENTS were confronted with an exhilarating, multi-faceted and exhausting environment.

battling the playa dust-storms, drunk fellow burners and the glaring desert sun, etoy.AGENTS nevertheless manage to set up a mobile recording studio and acquire first test pilots for MISSION ETERNITY. etoy is now ready to build the MISSION ETERNITY prototyes.

while not exactly recreational, the burning man festival quickly absorbed the etoy.AGENTS who in turn decided that after recovery and some planning they would eventually return with some extra equipment and have etoy.CORPORATION absorb the burning man festival.